Thursday, February 11, 2010

9 months old

Our little guy is 9 months old! It's amazing
how fast he's growing. Now with all those teeth
he doesn't seem like a baby anymore. We are really
enjoying his personality and interacting with him.
He's such a joy to us and a lot of fun! At his 9 month
checkup he weighed 18 lbs. 9 oz. and was 29 1/4
inches long.
Big sis Allison and Caden

No, he did not pull himself up in his crib.
Kirk was joking with me and told me he
pulled himself up. I got all excited and
started taking pictures. He did manage to
stay standing for quite awhile though!

Some things about Caden:
  • he has 6 teeth (he's working on the other bottom two)
  • he army crawls most of the time
  • recently started pulling himself up on his knees
  • says Dada a lot (he does say Mama, but usually when he's fussy
  • gives himself a kiss in the mirror
  • gives Daddy, Mommy, & Allison kisses (it's more of a lean w/ his head)
  • eats just about anything we eat just in really tiny pieces
  • some of his favorites: bananas, peas, cheese, cheerios, pizza, pasta
  • drinks from a sippy cup with help from us, he's starting to hold it at times
  • pulls open drawers in our bathroom (I can tell he's going to be busy)

He loves taking baths

I think his favorite part is splashing the water

No, he didn't accidently close his eyes.
This is something new he's been doing lately
when I get the camera out. He actually squints
each time the flash goes off. It is too cute!

Here's a really cheesy one......too funny!

Last but not least......Allison turned 8 years old!
Seems like just yesterday when she was Caden's
age. It goes by way too fast. She is such a joy too!
She's the best helper ever and she's a wonderful big
sister. Happy 8th Birthday Allison! You are so beautiful!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Introducing Madison Jessica!

My sister had a baby girl.....she is so precious!
Born December 28 @ 10:58 pm
Weight: 7 lbs 9 oz
Length: 20 inches
We love you little Maddie! Welcome to the family!

This is a more recent pic of
her at 6 weeks old

My sister Julie and Madison